I have a part time job and Trevor will start his full time job December 15!!
i didn't know this until last fast Sunday, when Trevor bore his testimony and mentioned this. he talked about earlier this year he had applied for the same job he just got accepted for. He said that at the time, he really felt like it was the right thing to do, to apply for a technician job. however, he went through the long hiring process and then was denied the job. we were really bummed about it and confused.
But then, when his work buddy retired from a technician job, he mentioned to his newer boss that he was interested in working full time for public works and his boss made it seem like he would try and get that job opened for him to apply.
well, a month or so goes by and NOTHING. meanwhile, the economy is getting worse and worse and even more engineers (with degrees) are looking for jobs because they don't have one. finally, the jobs gets opened and we are bummed because they have to publicize the open position to the public (for at least a week to a month).
It turned out, that since the position was the same as the job Trevor interviewed and applied for just 6 months earlier, they could use all of those applications for this open job!! so within a week of the job opening AND closing, Trevor has an interview scheduled. we knew from before that either they will call you if you get the job within about 2 days OR, you will get declined via a letter in 2 weeks. well, his interview was on a Monday, but the week was a little weird with days off. Finally, after we were losing hope and having doubts, he was told this last Monday that he had the job.
I knew i needed to keep my faith and like i read in an ensign article a month or so back, Heavenly Father not only will test our faith, but He will test our patience. I know that we will continue to have more tests, but I'm glad that this one has finally worked out.
We really are blessed.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
conference talks
This month's ensign, i get to reread the conference talks! i have just started and i love the insight that i can gain from re-reading. Elder L. Tom Perry spoke about Thoroue living a more simple life and suggested we follow some of his guidelines. I love his quotes about similarities in modesty and thoughts. I'll have to actually get the talk and quote it. i also love that when he talked about debts, that smart families don't pay interest, they EARN it! that means they have investments and things to help their money grow more money. we do have credit card debt and need to decrease that, but also continue to save money for rainy days or car issues to help avoid using more credit cards and increasing the debt.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
watching over us
a lot has happened this month and i have been much behind of making note of my blessings.
First off, Trevor has been wonderful! i really am blessed with a wonderful husband. I had a job offer for a full time job and a part time job. I knew that working full time would stress me and make it really difficult and so Trevor said to take the half time job, even though it is less money.
Also, Heavenly Father has allowed us to have trevor's position finally open for interviews and he has the interview Monday. we will see how that goes. But i know that if we continue to do our part, Heavenly father will bless us.
First off, Trevor has been wonderful! i really am blessed with a wonderful husband. I had a job offer for a full time job and a part time job. I knew that working full time would stress me and make it really difficult and so Trevor said to take the half time job, even though it is less money.
Also, Heavenly Father has allowed us to have trevor's position finally open for interviews and he has the interview Monday. we will see how that goes. But i know that if we continue to do our part, Heavenly father will bless us.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
choose happiness
I decided to choose happiness in my life and it helped. Monday through Thursday (no class friday!! yay!!) i did it at school and at home and i really feel like it helped me. i took more time to breath and relax instead of letting myself react. that goes back to something we talked about in church a while back. I do not want Satan to help me react badly to things. Instead, i want to decide how I respond. I am not going to let silly drivers get the better of me and get upset over little things.
My husband is so fabulous! I had some horrendous misunderstandings on Friday and I got really upset over them. I don't know if i'm losing it or what? he said tropicana and i heard charleston!! they sound nothing alike. well, the next morning, saturday, he took craig and i for a drive and we had a picnic breakfast to try and watch the sunrise. it was magnificient! the sun did not end up showing too well, due to some very rare cloud coverage that made the sun invisible. but i enjoyed my time with my family and enjoyed feeling so loved by my husband.
My husband is so fabulous! I had some horrendous misunderstandings on Friday and I got really upset over them. I don't know if i'm losing it or what? he said tropicana and i heard charleston!! they sound nothing alike. well, the next morning, saturday, he took craig and i for a drive and we had a picnic breakfast to try and watch the sunrise. it was magnificient! the sun did not end up showing too well, due to some very rare cloud coverage that made the sun invisible. but i enjoyed my time with my family and enjoyed feeling so loved by my husband.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
spiritual uplifting
i have been having a hard time this past week. i'm trying to have more fun at school and enjoy my life, but it is hard. i was able to go to the women's conference broadcast on saturday and i am so grateful! i felt touched by so many wonderful words, especially President Uchtdorf (not sure how to spell his name).
also, today at church, we had fast Sunday and wonderful lesson going over 3 nephi 8-11. it was wonderful to be uplifted and reminded to focus on the positive in my life.
I decided to make a choice to be happy. I have usually inmy life been a happy person, but i'm not sure Trevor, or people in my life would say that so much anymore. I don't want that. I have some amazing things/people in my life and i want people to know that i appreciate it/them and people that i'm not so close to, i want them to know that i am happy because of all those blessings.
also, today at church, we had fast Sunday and wonderful lesson going over 3 nephi 8-11. it was wonderful to be uplifted and reminded to focus on the positive in my life.
I decided to make a choice to be happy. I have usually inmy life been a happy person, but i'm not sure Trevor, or people in my life would say that so much anymore. I don't want that. I have some amazing things/people in my life and i want people to know that i appreciate it/them and people that i'm not so close to, i want them to know that i am happy because of all those blessings.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
this week, i had track one, the morning class start school and i was their substitute because their teacher had a baby on monday. and let me tell you that the class is wonderful! it helped me really realize that it is just a really difficult class in the afternoon.
I am very glad that i am able to be working. Jade McClellan is watching craig two days a week for us and my mom 2 days and anita watched him on friday! i have so many wonderful people in my life.
with the am class starting school, i remembered that i really do like teaching 5 year olds! they are very sweet. one little boy (and it was so chaotic the first day i don't have a clue who it was) brought me a rose the first day of school!! it's like he knew i had been having it tough and was thanking me for sticking with it! then, a couple days later, a girl in my pm class brought me a fake little rose, but was so sweet about it!
it was still a difficult time at times during my week, but i am enjoying parts of the day.
craig has so much fun! on tuesday, when i picked him up, he actually threw a fit that he had to leave! he had been riding a tricycle around the whole day, practically and loved it! i am so glad he is getting to be around other kids and will hopefully learn to share and get along with others better because of it.
i had my first open house i was in charge of! and i think it went ok. there were a couple of things i shouldn't have mentioned about my substituting position and how i'm not sure what's happening. but i had both am and pm together and it seemed to go well. i was worried 60 parents would be there and instead, it was only about 20-30.
I am very glad that i am able to be working. Jade McClellan is watching craig two days a week for us and my mom 2 days and anita watched him on friday! i have so many wonderful people in my life.
with the am class starting school, i remembered that i really do like teaching 5 year olds! they are very sweet. one little boy (and it was so chaotic the first day i don't have a clue who it was) brought me a rose the first day of school!! it's like he knew i had been having it tough and was thanking me for sticking with it! then, a couple days later, a girl in my pm class brought me a fake little rose, but was so sweet about it!
it was still a difficult time at times during my week, but i am enjoying parts of the day.
craig has so much fun! on tuesday, when i picked him up, he actually threw a fit that he had to leave! he had been riding a tricycle around the whole day, practically and loved it! i am so glad he is getting to be around other kids and will hopefully learn to share and get along with others better because of it.
i had my first open house i was in charge of! and i think it went ok. there were a couple of things i shouldn't have mentioned about my substituting position and how i'm not sure what's happening. but i had both am and pm together and it seemed to go well. i was worried 60 parents would be there and instead, it was only about 20-30.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Today, in church, we had wonderful lessons given. our stake president challenged the bishoprics to not give topics for talks during sacrament meeting (i don't know for how long this has gone on, maybe this entire year). but i am so glad he was inspired and our speakers are inspired. we have had some very wonderful talks and i think it really helps not being tied down to a certain topic!
we had wonderful talks, gospel doctrine and relief society lesson. in gospel doctrine, we studied the prophecies of Samuel the lamanite and at one point the teacher was talking about how we need to keep hearing the same lessons, the basic points of the gospel because we still aren't getting it. i couldn't help but think of my pm kindergarten class. everyday, we review the rules of the class. yet everyday, rules are broken! we don't get to go play outside, snack, centers are rushed. all because we can't learn the basic rule of not talking when it should be quiet and being a polite listener. in kindergarten, we cannot do fun things if we can't do the simple things. it is the same with the gospel. there are more things for our church to learn. scriptures that have not been shared. but Heavenly father and our prophets cannot give them to us if we are not using the things we have already!
The gospel doctrine teacher even mentioned a man saying that we need to be ready! if the gates of India and China were to be flung open for missionary work and we were able to freely send missionaries over there, all the missionaries would be taken for the north America. but we are not self sufficient enough in sharing the gospel to be able to do it without called missionaries. it just reminds us that we still have lots of work to do!
a fun lady in relief society mentioned that everyone makes a big deal of global warning and she says forget about global warming. we need to be spreading the news about the second coming like it is even more important than global warning!! especially since it is!!
a wonderful quote i heard today, "Ponder the blessings we've been given". it made me think! i need to make sure that i think about the things we have been given and recognize those. that is one of the reasons that i started this. to allow myself the time and place to make note of the wonderful things in my life.
we had wonderful talks, gospel doctrine and relief society lesson. in gospel doctrine, we studied the prophecies of Samuel the lamanite and at one point the teacher was talking about how we need to keep hearing the same lessons, the basic points of the gospel because we still aren't getting it. i couldn't help but think of my pm kindergarten class. everyday, we review the rules of the class. yet everyday, rules are broken! we don't get to go play outside, snack, centers are rushed. all because we can't learn the basic rule of not talking when it should be quiet and being a polite listener. in kindergarten, we cannot do fun things if we can't do the simple things. it is the same with the gospel. there are more things for our church to learn. scriptures that have not been shared. but Heavenly father and our prophets cannot give them to us if we are not using the things we have already!
The gospel doctrine teacher even mentioned a man saying that we need to be ready! if the gates of India and China were to be flung open for missionary work and we were able to freely send missionaries over there, all the missionaries would be taken for the north America. but we are not self sufficient enough in sharing the gospel to be able to do it without called missionaries. it just reminds us that we still have lots of work to do!
a fun lady in relief society mentioned that everyone makes a big deal of global warning and she says forget about global warming. we need to be spreading the news about the second coming like it is even more important than global warning!! especially since it is!!
a wonderful quote i heard today, "Ponder the blessings we've been given". it made me think! i need to make sure that i think about the things we have been given and recognize those. that is one of the reasons that i started this. to allow myself the time and place to make note of the wonderful things in my life.
Friday, September 12, 2008
i just wanted to take a moment to think about how grateful i am for anita ross. she is always letting us come over to the house that she is staying at and go swimming, or play her Wii and rockband, or just hanging out. she has watched craig for us on almost every Friday that she has off of work since January! plus, she is so amazing. she is so very special to all of her nieces and nephews and they love to have fun with her. the other night we were over there and she stopped what she was doing to make sure she got her time in for scripture study and was reading 10 pages a night to read the book of mormon in a year as inspired by president gordon b hinckley! she is so wonderful! not more, but she had a guy over there doing it with her!!! she is totally improving this mans life, not only by him hanging out with her, but she is making sure that they read and discuss scriptures daily!
Anita is really a special person and i know Heavenly Father has special things in mind for her.
Anita is really a special person and i know Heavenly Father has special things in mind for her.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
the other day, Heidi (my sister who is always trying to tell Craig what to do, or having a cow about something he is doing), Heidi had a dr's appointment. when they get home, my mom tells me that she has something for Craig. at the end of her appointment, she got to pick out a lollipop. she turned to my mom and asked "what about Craig?". and so, dear Heidi does like Craig and brought him home a lollipop.
it sure did make my day! and i think craig!
it sure did make my day! and i think craig!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
more about work
my class was still difficult today, but i had help today! we went to the library today (for the last time until track 1 is back out) and many people tried to help my students. i like to know that it is not just me. it is a difficult class and a difficult group. the individuals would still be hard if they were split up, but all together, it is very hard.
Today, after school, the literacy specialist came in and gave me a vase of roses!!! it was so sweet. she brought them to me to help me feel appreciated. she also had flowers for another lady who was having a hard time. it was so nice!
i am very grateful for all the help i got today and that others understand that it is hard. today, another lady said to me "we are all surprised to see that you come back everyday" . it made me laugh!
Today, after school, the literacy specialist came in and gave me a vase of roses!!! it was so sweet. she brought them to me to help me feel appreciated. she also had flowers for another lady who was having a hard time. it was so nice!
i am very grateful for all the help i got today and that others understand that it is hard. today, another lady said to me "we are all surprised to see that you come back everyday" . it made me laugh!
my class
things have not really gotten any better with my class. i have a microphone that works, so that is helping. however, when one student has a better day, another decides to act up. every day when we go outside, it takes us a couple minutes when we are in line just to stop talking and settle down enough to go inside to cool off.
but, a wonderful mom who helped out last year, offered to help a little yesterday and tested half my class! without her, i'm not sure how i could have gotten all those testing done. she really is wonderful and doesn't even have a kid in kinder anymore, but is helping all three of the kinder teachers! she really is a blessing sent from heaven.
but, a wonderful mom who helped out last year, offered to help a little yesterday and tested half my class! without her, i'm not sure how i could have gotten all those testing done. she really is wonderful and doesn't even have a kid in kinder anymore, but is helping all three of the kinder teachers! she really is a blessing sent from heaven.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Last week, with my class, i had a very hard week. i have several students who like to act out and then they are just very talkative and immature! but Friday was a little better. i'm trying my best to encourage and reward positive behaviors. i looked up tons of ideas from other teachers that i got all last year. i was even going to video record so i could see what i could do better. i talked with the two other teachers before school started and they reassured me that things will get better and it is not just me or just my class. all of them are having a hard time, but it will get better. one of them was the lady i had my practicum with last fall. she is really a great teacher and everyday i think about how she taught something. she was so sweet. she said that if her daughter was going to the school, she would put her in my class and not worry about it.
Friday was better.
i think i'm having a harder time because craig is being more grumpy too. i am so grateful for the sweet moments with him that remind me how precious he is and how i still need to teach him too.
i'm also sick, with a cold and my head is all congested. it makes me appreciate all the times that i feel better. i'm glad that we don't get sick very often.
i got a random call this week, from Laura (Henrie) Pennock. it was such a surprise but it was nice to talk to her again. we went to high school together and she was my best friend the last two years of it. it was nice to hear how she is doing. i am very grateful for her friendship during high school and the good impact she had on my life.
Friday was better.
i think i'm having a harder time because craig is being more grumpy too. i am so grateful for the sweet moments with him that remind me how precious he is and how i still need to teach him too.
i'm also sick, with a cold and my head is all congested. it makes me appreciate all the times that i feel better. i'm glad that we don't get sick very often.
i got a random call this week, from Laura (Henrie) Pennock. it was such a surprise but it was nice to talk to her again. we went to high school together and she was my best friend the last two years of it. it was nice to hear how she is doing. i am very grateful for her friendship during high school and the good impact she had on my life.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
I was emailed this wonderful video today! honestly, i thought it would be kinda lame at first, but i watched it and it was wonderful! it really touched my heart to see how many temples we have around the world. at first, i thought they did north america wrong, but at the end, they showed north america again! our prophets are so amazing and i love the quote at the end from bruce mckonkie! there might be hundreds or thousands of temples before the second coming!
now, this is not put out by the church, i don't think, but someone wonderful made it. I love our church!
now, this is not put out by the church, i don't think, but someone wonderful made it. I love our church!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Yesterday, we spent most of the day over at Anita's. it was very fun. we got in the pool, then got out to eat a little. Craig was acting tired, so i changed him out of his swim trunks and tried to lay down with him and read a book. however, it did not work. he ended up swimming again (kinda. he would put his feet in and play around the edge of the pool, but never really liked to get in above his knees the silly boy. well, he was getting pretty grumpy and so we went inside and tried to calm him down. finally, Trevor came to my rescue and was able to get him to go to sleep around 3!
I am so grateful for my husband! he can be firmer with Craig and Craig will do things for him that he might not do for me. I'm grateful that we were able to enjoy time together with family yesterday and enjoy our longer labor day weekend! Trevor's parents, Curtis and even Lynette and Mark (Trevor's cousin) came over with their three kids! it was nice being with family.
Also, Trevor is encouraging us all to be a little healthier. I didn't get to workout this morning, but I'm hoping to be able to go for a walk today after work. I'm not feeling too well and want to get hings done for school this afternoon. but i am hoping that with both of us working on it, we will be better about exercising and making better choices!
I am so grateful for my husband! he can be firmer with Craig and Craig will do things for him that he might not do for me. I'm grateful that we were able to enjoy time together with family yesterday and enjoy our longer labor day weekend! Trevor's parents, Curtis and even Lynette and Mark (Trevor's cousin) came over with their three kids! it was nice being with family.
Also, Trevor is encouraging us all to be a little healthier. I didn't get to workout this morning, but I'm hoping to be able to go for a walk today after work. I'm not feeling too well and want to get hings done for school this afternoon. but i am hoping that with both of us working on it, we will be better about exercising and making better choices!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
i really have liked our new gospel doctrine teacher. last week we had a wonderful lesson and today's lesson was great. we were discussing Helaman 1-5 and there are some really amazing scriptures. but in chapter 1, i think, we were discussing the chief judge and his family. well, the father died and three of his sons wanted to take over for him. in the end, two are killed over the judgement seat and a war is started because of this. and the teacher drew to our attention that by ruining and causing contention in a family, Satan was able to destroy an entire people!! and it is the same for us today!! if we are not focusing on our families and trying to uplift those, then our country has no luck in surviving. this point really hit me!
a while back, a man teacher mentioned to me his feelings of who we should be voting for in the coming election (he was democrat and hoping for Hilary Clinton). he stressed that especially since i was going into education, i should vote for someone who will act smartly regarding education and students. well, at the time, i didn't say much, but thinking about it later, i realized that i would protect the family and by supporting the family and things being taught in the family, it didn't matter if things were a little crazy in schools, because the important things could be taught in a safe, and protected home and marriage!! so i will protect the marriage and family and in turn, that will better the future for students, education and my life!
a while back, a man teacher mentioned to me his feelings of who we should be voting for in the coming election (he was democrat and hoping for Hilary Clinton). he stressed that especially since i was going into education, i should vote for someone who will act smartly regarding education and students. well, at the time, i didn't say much, but thinking about it later, i realized that i would protect the family and by supporting the family and things being taught in the family, it didn't matter if things were a little crazy in schools, because the important things could be taught in a safe, and protected home and marriage!! so i will protect the marriage and family and in turn, that will better the future for students, education and my life!
Friday, August 29, 2008
well, school is going good! each day, my class gets better! i have 26 students and many who understand and speak limited English. i'm very glad i'm at the school i'm at and not a different region. i know i would adjust, but in some areas, the students know even less english!!! and it's more of the majority. so i am lucky. we'll see where i get hired, but for now, thinking positively! :D
i have a couple of students who are quite the handfuls! but they are still fun and i really do enjoy the entire teaching experience. last night, i couldn't go to sleep because i kept thinking about different ways i could help certain students. also, today, i was trying to read my scriptures and i was half reading, half thinking about a way to better help a student. it's really funny. but i want them to succeed so very much!! even (or especially) the ones that may be more difficult or have a harder time. i really am lucky.
i think i could do kindergarten (and by do, i think i would teach kindergarten again, in the future). yes, it may be more work at the beginning of the year, but i think for me and my preferences, first grade would be more difficult at the end of the year. either way, we'll see, but for now, once again, the positive! :)
Heavenly Father certainly blessed me with a spirit of teaching! i have a couple of students with an IEP and i am trying to better understand their needs. but also, there are students that speak very little if no english and they have needs. then there are all the students who might need more attention and can't sit still as long. i just know these students are going to grow and learn so much in just one year! i really wish i could stay with them the whole year.
i just realized that i might seem a little crazy to some people. today, at the end of the day, some people asked how it went and i would reply, "better", or "i see progress". it wasn't really a good day, or a great day. definitely not horrible (because there is improvement). But right now, i am happy. i am just fine with being in my class (well, you know, substituting, but still, i'm their teacher for now). i wouldn't switch it for another class that might have less 'difficult' kids or less kids with an iep, or that understood english. i have seen progress in these past 4 days and i know that next week will improve and that just makes me happy. i know these students and i could not just abandon them! i am happy where i am and i'm very grateful for that!
i think it helps that i wish i could continue to teach for just a half-day. but i also know how very much we desire and need a house. we cannot have another baby in our living condition right now and so it needs to change within the next year. so we will see what happens. someday, the county will be able to hire teachers and i will get hired and Trevor will get hired. hopefully sooner than i! but i have trust and faith in Heavenly father. He is watching us and guiding and helping us! i am very grateful.
one last thing, i have to mention Craig! it has been nice to have a little break from Craig. i wish it was smaller, but i love him! he is so fun! i try to wake us both up in time for him to get to play out in the back yard before it gets too hot and sunburn time. it is so fun! he is such a good little boy. he is talking more and more each day and i love the things he learns and to see the changes daily!
i have a couple of students who are quite the handfuls! but they are still fun and i really do enjoy the entire teaching experience. last night, i couldn't go to sleep because i kept thinking about different ways i could help certain students. also, today, i was trying to read my scriptures and i was half reading, half thinking about a way to better help a student. it's really funny. but i want them to succeed so very much!! even (or especially) the ones that may be more difficult or have a harder time. i really am lucky.
i think i could do kindergarten (and by do, i think i would teach kindergarten again, in the future). yes, it may be more work at the beginning of the year, but i think for me and my preferences, first grade would be more difficult at the end of the year. either way, we'll see, but for now, once again, the positive! :)
Heavenly Father certainly blessed me with a spirit of teaching! i have a couple of students with an IEP and i am trying to better understand their needs. but also, there are students that speak very little if no english and they have needs. then there are all the students who might need more attention and can't sit still as long. i just know these students are going to grow and learn so much in just one year! i really wish i could stay with them the whole year.
i just realized that i might seem a little crazy to some people. today, at the end of the day, some people asked how it went and i would reply, "better", or "i see progress". it wasn't really a good day, or a great day. definitely not horrible (because there is improvement). But right now, i am happy. i am just fine with being in my class (well, you know, substituting, but still, i'm their teacher for now). i wouldn't switch it for another class that might have less 'difficult' kids or less kids with an iep, or that understood english. i have seen progress in these past 4 days and i know that next week will improve and that just makes me happy. i know these students and i could not just abandon them! i am happy where i am and i'm very grateful for that!
i think it helps that i wish i could continue to teach for just a half-day. but i also know how very much we desire and need a house. we cannot have another baby in our living condition right now and so it needs to change within the next year. so we will see what happens. someday, the county will be able to hire teachers and i will get hired and Trevor will get hired. hopefully sooner than i! but i have trust and faith in Heavenly father. He is watching us and guiding and helping us! i am very grateful.
one last thing, i have to mention Craig! it has been nice to have a little break from Craig. i wish it was smaller, but i love him! he is so fun! i try to wake us both up in time for him to get to play out in the back yard before it gets too hot and sunburn time. it is so fun! he is such a good little boy. he is talking more and more each day and i love the things he learns and to see the changes daily!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
school and enjoying
well, i have had two days in the kindergarten and it is the third day of school. i must say that that first day for me, was pretty miserable! we had 25-5 year olds! i had 3-5 adults in the room the entire time and hallelujah! we were able to have some adults help with one on one for some kids and i was still able to help with the entire class. yesterday, was even better. i was surprised and went to the library for an hour of the time (with mrs. greenberg's class- special ed inclusion). so that helped. the librarian taught kinder for 5 years, so she knows them very well. we are just working on going over the rules tons and i think they will get adjusted to school and procedures.
when we came back on Saturday from st. george, it was WONDERFUL to see Craig again! i really think it was good to have an overnight without him. I did miss him while we were gone and even thought about taking him with us. but this is the one time a year that we have an overnighter without him, plus i knew he would not sit still for the play. so we took advantage of it and it was so good to come home and to be able to enjoy him even more and not lose my patience over little things! i hope i can keep this up and be a better mom, even with working and things.
well, school is back in session for Trevor. uggh! this is going to be difficult for him, i think. he is ready to be done and yet he isn't. i pray that I'll be able to help him hang in there. he has 2 classes and a study class for his big professional engineer test. also, with work, the man retired and so we are waiting for the job to be advertised and he can apply! we are still praying that things will work out.
no news about the hiring freeze for me, but i am almost kinda glad that i don't have my own class yet and am just substituting and getting used to being on my own a little. we'll see how this kinder goes, but i might switch to preferring first grade.
i am enjoying spending the mornings still with Craig. i definitely have a blessing being able to work a little, but still enjoy time with Craig.
when we came back on Saturday from st. george, it was WONDERFUL to see Craig again! i really think it was good to have an overnight without him. I did miss him while we were gone and even thought about taking him with us. but this is the one time a year that we have an overnighter without him, plus i knew he would not sit still for the play. so we took advantage of it and it was so good to come home and to be able to enjoy him even more and not lose my patience over little things! i hope i can keep this up and be a better mom, even with working and things.
well, school is back in session for Trevor. uggh! this is going to be difficult for him, i think. he is ready to be done and yet he isn't. i pray that I'll be able to help him hang in there. he has 2 classes and a study class for his big professional engineer test. also, with work, the man retired and so we are waiting for the job to be advertised and he can apply! we are still praying that things will work out.
no news about the hiring freeze for me, but i am almost kinda glad that i don't have my own class yet and am just substituting and getting used to being on my own a little. we'll see how this kinder goes, but i might switch to preferring first grade.
i am enjoying spending the mornings still with Craig. i definitely have a blessing being able to work a little, but still enjoy time with Craig.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
a ray of sunshine
well, this last week, i was getting a little down and having a little more trouble focusing on my blessings and the good things in life. i moved my Book of Mormon into the bathroom so that i could read my scriptures a little more and it worked. i read at least a chapter a day and was able to read a little at a time and digest the couple of verses i read.
well, then it was our anniversary and we have a little tradition of going up to tuacahn in st. george to see in a play. my mom agreed to watch Craig again this year so that we could go and we drove up with Trevor's parents. it was a nice trip, although honestly, carpooling on trips is not my favorite. it was a little difficult not being able to just relax when we wanted to. but we all saved money and gas and we got to talk more and i got to know mom and dad better. in a good way. overall, it was fun!
on Friday, i received a message from a principal at marion earl, the school i did my student teaching, practicum and went there for elementary school myself! it was the new vice principal asking if i wanted the half day kindergarten substitute position. all day long i tried to call her back, but she was either busy or i had no reception (we stayed in mesquite because i, as a ccsd employee, got a free room!!!) driving through the gorge. (we ate lunch in st. george, the went back to the hotel because we had nothing else to do and wanted a nap)
Finally, i was able to get a call from the principal that i knew before and she offered me the sub position for half day kindergarten, again! i had declined it earlier in august, hoping to work at another full time school. apparently, a man had picked up the job and come in on Friday and the principal did not like her. so, she will tell him on Monday that it is not working and i can come in on Tuesday. ALSO, there's MORE!! :D the morning kindergarten teacher is pregnant and due any day (Melissa jolley/mendenhall, who i know, lds) and they wondered if i would be her sub while she was out on maternity leave! so i could work full time, in the same room in kindergarten! it's not a real teaching job, but a job is better than no job! i was thrilled! i knew right away all of the prayers on my behalf had helped and i was reminded how much Heavenly Father loves me! He loves my family. He really does look after us and knows what is best for us. i might still have half days with Craig but i know there is hope for getting a little more money and someday this hiring freeze will be over and ccsd can hire many teachers to fill the positions being filled right now by substitutes.
In the end, there was a ray of sunshine to my day and the many comments of hope and encouragement from my blog were wonderful.
well, then it was our anniversary and we have a little tradition of going up to tuacahn in st. george to see in a play. my mom agreed to watch Craig again this year so that we could go and we drove up with Trevor's parents. it was a nice trip, although honestly, carpooling on trips is not my favorite. it was a little difficult not being able to just relax when we wanted to. but we all saved money and gas and we got to talk more and i got to know mom and dad better. in a good way. overall, it was fun!
on Friday, i received a message from a principal at marion earl, the school i did my student teaching, practicum and went there for elementary school myself! it was the new vice principal asking if i wanted the half day kindergarten substitute position. all day long i tried to call her back, but she was either busy or i had no reception (we stayed in mesquite because i, as a ccsd employee, got a free room!!!) driving through the gorge. (we ate lunch in st. george, the went back to the hotel because we had nothing else to do and wanted a nap)
Finally, i was able to get a call from the principal that i knew before and she offered me the sub position for half day kindergarten, again! i had declined it earlier in august, hoping to work at another full time school. apparently, a man had picked up the job and come in on Friday and the principal did not like her. so, she will tell him on Monday that it is not working and i can come in on Tuesday. ALSO, there's MORE!! :D the morning kindergarten teacher is pregnant and due any day (Melissa jolley/mendenhall, who i know, lds) and they wondered if i would be her sub while she was out on maternity leave! so i could work full time, in the same room in kindergarten! it's not a real teaching job, but a job is better than no job! i was thrilled! i knew right away all of the prayers on my behalf had helped and i was reminded how much Heavenly Father loves me! He loves my family. He really does look after us and knows what is best for us. i might still have half days with Craig but i know there is hope for getting a little more money and someday this hiring freeze will be over and ccsd can hire many teachers to fill the positions being filled right now by substitutes.
In the end, there was a ray of sunshine to my day and the many comments of hope and encouragement from my blog were wonderful.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
my husband
WOW! we have been married for 3 years today and I can't believe it. sometimes, it feels like we were just married and other times, it seems like it has been much longer. and both ways are positive. Trevor is so great to me. He is such a blessing in my life. he is a great father and husband. i am very grateful for how easily school comes for him. i'm grateful he chose a very good career and is sticking with getting his education. most of his classes, he has seen other students struggling to understand the concepts and he is able to understand them very well. we have both seen in our families the difficulties with schooling and now how very important it is to get the education to have a backup. I know that it has been more and more difficult to stick with college, but i know even more how much it will be worth it. if i ever get a teaching job, i will start in nv at about $30,000 whereas when he graduates, he will start at about $60,000! he was able to get and maintain scholarships that have paid us back for him going to school and he also got us a pell grant for a couple of years.otherwise, i know i would not have gotten my degree.
i am so grateful for his comedy. he is able to make me laugh and help me feel better when i am grumpy or upset. i love talking with him. he listens and understands me so well. of course, our marriage isn't perfect, but he works with me so we can understand each other. sometimes, when neither one of us can fall asleep, we will stay up and just talk. those are one of my favorite times. we just talk about the future, or our worries. he understands that sometimes i don't know what to say to make things better.
i am so grateful for the wonderful father he is. i have written about it in the past a little, but every sunday, i see him sitting with craig and doing such a great job of teaching our son at an early age the important things about church. craig has so much fun playing with his daddy and goofing off. and then when craig gets in trouble, he listens to trevor so much better, i am grateful for the strength he provides for our family. i don't want him to be the bad guy, always disciplining, but it is apparent that craig knows to listen to his daddy (usually).
trevor helps me when i need help. for example, last night, i was getting craig ready to take a bath and took off his clothes (except diaper) and sent craig in the other room while i still grabbed his pjs out and his lotion, toothbrush, found a pacifier and teddy. well, i go into the other room and trevor is already getting him in the tub and the water going! i didn't need to ask him, but it was so nice to know that i have someone there to help me.
well, i could go on and on, but i need to get other things done today. i am grateful that i was able to take the time to remind myself of the wonderful qualities in my husband and be reminded that Heavenly Father really blessed me when i met Trevor.
i am so grateful for his comedy. he is able to make me laugh and help me feel better when i am grumpy or upset. i love talking with him. he listens and understands me so well. of course, our marriage isn't perfect, but he works with me so we can understand each other. sometimes, when neither one of us can fall asleep, we will stay up and just talk. those are one of my favorite times. we just talk about the future, or our worries. he understands that sometimes i don't know what to say to make things better.
i am so grateful for the wonderful father he is. i have written about it in the past a little, but every sunday, i see him sitting with craig and doing such a great job of teaching our son at an early age the important things about church. craig has so much fun playing with his daddy and goofing off. and then when craig gets in trouble, he listens to trevor so much better, i am grateful for the strength he provides for our family. i don't want him to be the bad guy, always disciplining, but it is apparent that craig knows to listen to his daddy (usually).
trevor helps me when i need help. for example, last night, i was getting craig ready to take a bath and took off his clothes (except diaper) and sent craig in the other room while i still grabbed his pjs out and his lotion, toothbrush, found a pacifier and teddy. well, i go into the other room and trevor is already getting him in the tub and the water going! i didn't need to ask him, but it was so nice to know that i have someone there to help me.
well, i could go on and on, but i need to get other things done today. i am grateful that i was able to take the time to remind myself of the wonderful qualities in my husband and be reminded that Heavenly Father really blessed me when i met Trevor.
i found out yesterday morning that the school i 'interviewed' at for a long term sub, does not need me. i have tried to keep a positive attitude about everything, especially for Trevor. But yesterday, there just really seemed to be no hope. I know that the longer it takes me to get a full time job, the longer we can't get a house and can't really have another child.
i knew my mom wanted to know when i heard anything about the subbing, so i called her and it was wonderful. she reassured me that everything would work out. Heavenly Father is watching over us and she would continue to keep us in her prayers.
it seems like everyone is having problems. Dad is having to let go of many workers and can't find much work, which affects a lot of us. Anne and Megan depend on him for school money, enoch depends on the business, we still live with them and were hoping for help with a downpayment, but now don't think that will ever happen. and Luke and Heidi are still under 18. Abraham seems to be doing ok, but Christian and Crystal are having a very difficult time in their marriage. mom told me she's praying for everyone so much! for Trevor and i to both get jobs.
it really is like Bishop Scroggins always mentions (he mioght be quoting someone else, i can't remember) but if you treat everyone like they are in the middle of a crisis, just got through a crisis, or is about to be in a crisis, 99% of the time, you will be correct. And i think especially with the economy become weaker and the housing market so low, i think it does apply to people.
The end result is we must have faith. I need t do better on the things i'm struggling with so that Heavenly Father can bless us for everything we are doing. I do know that if we keep things up (fhe, scriptures, temple, prayers, tithing, fast offering, serving, etc) if we do as much as we can, Heavenly Father will bless us. and I always have to remind myself that just because we have a plan, does not mean it is also our Father in heaven's plan. I need to try and get my life as best in line with what He would want me to be doing and trust that He will take care of us. right now, i especially pray for His peace to help me understand and feel calmer. i know how very much He loves us. I know He will watch over us. i just need to be patient and trusting.
i knew my mom wanted to know when i heard anything about the subbing, so i called her and it was wonderful. she reassured me that everything would work out. Heavenly Father is watching over us and she would continue to keep us in her prayers.
it seems like everyone is having problems. Dad is having to let go of many workers and can't find much work, which affects a lot of us. Anne and Megan depend on him for school money, enoch depends on the business, we still live with them and were hoping for help with a downpayment, but now don't think that will ever happen. and Luke and Heidi are still under 18. Abraham seems to be doing ok, but Christian and Crystal are having a very difficult time in their marriage. mom told me she's praying for everyone so much! for Trevor and i to both get jobs.
it really is like Bishop Scroggins always mentions (he mioght be quoting someone else, i can't remember) but if you treat everyone like they are in the middle of a crisis, just got through a crisis, or is about to be in a crisis, 99% of the time, you will be correct. And i think especially with the economy become weaker and the housing market so low, i think it does apply to people.
The end result is we must have faith. I need t do better on the things i'm struggling with so that Heavenly Father can bless us for everything we are doing. I do know that if we keep things up (fhe, scriptures, temple, prayers, tithing, fast offering, serving, etc) if we do as much as we can, Heavenly Father will bless us. and I always have to remind myself that just because we have a plan, does not mean it is also our Father in heaven's plan. I need to try and get my life as best in line with what He would want me to be doing and trust that He will take care of us. right now, i especially pray for His peace to help me understand and feel calmer. i know how very much He loves us. I know He will watch over us. i just need to be patient and trusting.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Trevor decided we needed to escape and take a break, so he took off last Friday and we went to San Diego! I'm am so grateful for Cyndi, Brent and emma for letting us stay at their place and emma and Craig got along so well. it was nice to take a little vacation. Heavenly Father blesses us so much! we had a fun, safe trip and really enjoyed spending time with family. And Cyndi is such a great aunt! Craig loved being with her. She was playing with Emma and Craig. it seemed like craig was always happy with her. during church, cyndi brought magnets with her and craig had such a blast with them all of sacrament!
and i was able to sit with trevor and craig the entire meeting. it was a nice change. Trevor really is so good with Craig. He is teaching him to be so reverent before and while the sacrament is passed. our family will and does have a great dad to help teach some valuable lessons. i am very blessed.
and i was able to sit with trevor and craig the entire meeting. it was a nice change. Trevor really is so good with Craig. He is teaching him to be so reverent before and while the sacrament is passed. our family will and does have a great dad to help teach some valuable lessons. i am very blessed.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
we received some free leather couches a couple of weeks ago and we cleaned the love seat up and put it in our little apartment yesterday. it is always nice to get some change. i was grateful that Trevor metnioned the idea.
Also, yesterday was Cyndi's birthday, today is Anita's and a week ago was Karl's. i am very grateful for trevor's wonderful family. i got really luckily marrying into his family. he has great brothers and sisters and it just reminds me more when it is their birthday. when cyndi was downhere around the fourth of july, i was able to drive her around a little and run some errands. it was fun just hanging out withe her, emma and craig. Anita helps us out so much! she is going to help watch Craig a little when i work this next year.
Today, our speakers discussed the leadership training from febraury. it was great to hear it again and hear other people's thoughts about the guidance from our leaders. i love love the words the leaders gave us in the meeting. it was great to hear the words again. i think i might just have to read through them again.
I also got to sub in the ctr 6 class. it reminded me that i really do like that age. some kids had just finished kindergarten and some are just about to start kindergarten. i like that age range. i really am hoping that i will be able to teach kinder or first. we'll see. I know that Heavenly Father will help me out and things will work out. i need to get better about scriptures and prayer, both personally and our family. i really think that the most we are doing, the better Heavenly Father can bless us. I know things aren't gunna be just what i want, but it will be better than if we weren't doing the best we could do.
Also, yesterday was Cyndi's birthday, today is Anita's and a week ago was Karl's. i am very grateful for trevor's wonderful family. i got really luckily marrying into his family. he has great brothers and sisters and it just reminds me more when it is their birthday. when cyndi was downhere around the fourth of july, i was able to drive her around a little and run some errands. it was fun just hanging out withe her, emma and craig. Anita helps us out so much! she is going to help watch Craig a little when i work this next year.
Today, our speakers discussed the leadership training from febraury. it was great to hear it again and hear other people's thoughts about the guidance from our leaders. i love love the words the leaders gave us in the meeting. it was great to hear the words again. i think i might just have to read through them again.
I also got to sub in the ctr 6 class. it reminded me that i really do like that age. some kids had just finished kindergarten and some are just about to start kindergarten. i like that age range. i really am hoping that i will be able to teach kinder or first. we'll see. I know that Heavenly Father will help me out and things will work out. i need to get better about scriptures and prayer, both personally and our family. i really think that the most we are doing, the better Heavenly Father can bless us. I know things aren't gunna be just what i want, but it will be better than if we weren't doing the best we could do.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
fixed car
On Monday, I was able to take the car in and I think it is fixed! I've been driving around for two days and the air conditioning is working great and the temperature is not getting too high! I am very grateful for cars! they can be annoying when problems occur, but life without them is very difficult. I wish we had a good busing system, but we don't.
Craig has been a little crazy. But he is still so cute! He likes to scream a little when he gets mad, still throwing himself down on the ground. but he is getting better about saying prayers. He loves to read a book with me before he goes to sleep. Yesterday, I got him in his pjs and he ran up into our bed and grabbed a book. it was so cute! He is such a blessing and i shelping Treovr and I be better to each other and him and also have more patience.
Craig has been a little crazy. But he is still so cute! He likes to scream a little when he gets mad, still throwing himself down on the ground. but he is getting better about saying prayers. He loves to read a book with me before he goes to sleep. Yesterday, I got him in his pjs and he ran up into our bed and grabbed a book. it was so cute! He is such a blessing and i shelping Treovr and I be better to each other and him and also have more patience.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
sharing clothes
We have been so blessed in many ways, but i wanted to make note of one in particular. before Craig was born, many people in our life shared with us their blessings! We received many clothes from kids that had outgrown them. Some were given and some were borrowed. But we have been so blessed because of this.
We have had to buy a couple of clothes, but compared to the thousands that we would have had to buy. here is Craig in one of his 'new' outfits.
Yesterday, I took out more clothes for Craig, 2T. we had too many summery clothes that i didn't have room for them all!! I picked out some of the cuter, less stained, less able to stain and put them away! the many others, i put back away in boxes and kept them in mind for later in the year, or next summer.
then, since we have some clothes, I have been able to share with my brother who has a baby! I am so very grateful for all those who thought of us.
We have had to buy a couple of clothes, but compared to the thousands that we would have had to buy. here is Craig in one of his 'new' outfits.
Yesterday, I took out more clothes for Craig, 2T. we had too many summery clothes that i didn't have room for them all!! I picked out some of the cuter, less stained, less able to stain and put them away! the many others, i put back away in boxes and kept them in mind for later in the year, or next summer.
then, since we have some clothes, I have been able to share with my brother who has a baby! I am so very grateful for all those who thought of us.
Even More
On Thursday, our ward had a family fiesta night and we got to go. It was nice. we got to sit with some people and find out more about them. i enjoyed talking to people and not just being to ourselves. i was grateful for the opportunity to get to know more people in our ward and understand them.
Then, Saturday, we went and picked up some couches from Ray, a guy Trevor works with. He moved into a house and his girlfriend bought some new couches, so he let us have his old ones. Trevor thought his girlfriend wanted to sell the couches, but Ray gave them to us for free. They are in pretty good condition and it's nice knowing that if we ever get into a house and have some jobs, we don't have to worry about buying couches.
Then, Saturday, we went and picked up some couches from Ray, a guy Trevor works with. He moved into a house and his girlfriend bought some new couches, so he let us have his old ones. Trevor thought his girlfriend wanted to sell the couches, but Ray gave them to us for free. They are in pretty good condition and it's nice knowing that if we ever get into a house and have some jobs, we don't have to worry about buying couches.
special messages
This last week, I was able to go visiting teaching with my companion, April Pope, to two ladies on two separate days. I really enjoyed this months message. It was about our bodies and how special they are. I really loved a quote in it by President Gordon b. Hinckley that has really stood out to me and I have been thinking about it a lot.
President Gordon B. Hinckley (1910–2008): "Our bodies are sacred. They were created in the image of God. They are marvelous, the crowning creation of Deity. No camera has ever matched the wonder of the human eye. No pump was ever built that could run so long and carry such heavy duty as the human heart. The ear and the brain constitute a miracle. . . . These, with others of our parts and organs, represent the divine, omnipotent genius of God" ("Be Ye Clean," Ensign, May 1996, 48).
I love the part he mentions abour our eyes and our hearts! Our bodies truly are unique and they are amazing! I was so grateful I went visiting teaching this month and was able to not only read the message for myself, but discuss the thoughts with three other women and hear their thoughts on the message. I know that i can receive blessings in my life for striving to do the best and one of my blessings was to be reminded of how very special I am and what a gift Heavenly Father has given me by allowing me to have a body.
I am grateful for this temple and hope I can do better to create a more beauftiful temple and better exemplify how I want to be.
President Gordon B. Hinckley (1910–2008): "Our bodies are sacred. They were created in the image of God. They are marvelous, the crowning creation of Deity. No camera has ever matched the wonder of the human eye. No pump was ever built that could run so long and carry such heavy duty as the human heart. The ear and the brain constitute a miracle. . . . These, with others of our parts and organs, represent the divine, omnipotent genius of God" ("Be Ye Clean," Ensign, May 1996, 48).
I love the part he mentions abour our eyes and our hearts! Our bodies truly are unique and they are amazing! I was so grateful I went visiting teaching this month and was able to not only read the message for myself, but discuss the thoughts with three other women and hear their thoughts on the message. I know that i can receive blessings in my life for striving to do the best and one of my blessings was to be reminded of how very special I am and what a gift Heavenly Father has given me by allowing me to have a body.
I am grateful for this temple and hope I can do better to create a more beauftiful temple and better exemplify how I want to be.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
I really enjoy being with Craig. During the day, he is usually so good for me! Of course, when he starte getting tired at night, he is not so happy. And by the end of the day, Trevor and I are tired too and our patience is a little low. We both are working on being better.
But yesterday, we went visiting teaching and he was really good for me. When i was getting him dressed in his pjs, he was so fun to cuddle with. He found a fun board book at the library Are you Sleepy, Petey? and he really likes it. It's a little boy trying to get his little puppy to go to sleep and Craig thinks it is so fun.
well, when I put Craig in his crib, he didn't seem too tired still (he started jumping up and down), so i left two books with him for 5-10 minutes. then, later I went in and told him it was time to go to sleep, so i turned off the rest of the lights, tooks his books and pulled his blanket over him. He fell asleep soon after. He is so good for us.
I am so grateful for Trevor and his striving to be better. He always is helping, supporting and encouraging me to be better also.
And Craig, he is such a great child of our Heavenly Father's. I have always known, since he was born, that Heavenly Father blessed us with Craig, a fairly easier first child, since we gave in and had a child while we were both still going to school.
Trevor and I both had scholarships for UNLV that paid us to go to school. Neither of us could stop going to school, or else we would lose the scholarships. And if we lost the scholarship, I probably would not have finished school.
But Heavenly Father blessed us for being faithful and helped us by choosing a wonderfully easier child. Craig didn't have very many problems with sleeping when he was younger, he picked up on nursing pretty good, took a bottle and pacifier. he didn't like cereal, but he liked eating banana and other baby food.
But yesterday, we went visiting teaching and he was really good for me. When i was getting him dressed in his pjs, he was so fun to cuddle with. He found a fun board book at the library Are you Sleepy, Petey? and he really likes it. It's a little boy trying to get his little puppy to go to sleep and Craig thinks it is so fun.
well, when I put Craig in his crib, he didn't seem too tired still (he started jumping up and down), so i left two books with him for 5-10 minutes. then, later I went in and told him it was time to go to sleep, so i turned off the rest of the lights, tooks his books and pulled his blanket over him. He fell asleep soon after. He is so good for us.
I am so grateful for Trevor and his striving to be better. He always is helping, supporting and encouraging me to be better also.
And Craig, he is such a great child of our Heavenly Father's. I have always known, since he was born, that Heavenly Father blessed us with Craig, a fairly easier first child, since we gave in and had a child while we were both still going to school.
Trevor and I both had scholarships for UNLV that paid us to go to school. Neither of us could stop going to school, or else we would lose the scholarships. And if we lost the scholarship, I probably would not have finished school.
But Heavenly Father blessed us for being faithful and helped us by choosing a wonderfully easier child. Craig didn't have very many problems with sleeping when he was younger, he picked up on nursing pretty good, took a bottle and pacifier. he didn't like cereal, but he liked eating banana and other baby food.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Yesterday, Trevor took the day off (i really enjoyed his company) and we got some cleaning done. I am so grateful for his help and him just being there helped push me a little more to keep doing things. I have had a hard time being motivated and our house had gotten in really bad shape. So i watned to mention how wonderful it was for him to help me. It is always nicer to do work when someone is working with you.
Trevor is working part-time with Clark County for his paid internship and only has a certain amount of total hours he can work in a year (starting in July). So once spring semester was over, he was home every Monday and Wednesday and I really enjoyyed it. Sometimes I would be substituting and he would be at home with Craig, or sometimes it would be all three of us. Well, his time started over in July, so all of this month he has been working monday-friday. I am enjoying the extra money, but miss spending the time with him. We are hoping, and praying, that he will get a full-time job before December and his hours run out, since he is working basically 40 hours each pay period. Also, we can't get into a house until he and I have full-time jobs :( we keep praying and are trying to be better about FHE, family prayer and scriptures, overall, more faithful and doing our part so Heavenly Father knows that we really would like the blessings.
Trevor is working part-time with Clark County for his paid internship and only has a certain amount of total hours he can work in a year (starting in July). So once spring semester was over, he was home every Monday and Wednesday and I really enjoyyed it. Sometimes I would be substituting and he would be at home with Craig, or sometimes it would be all three of us. Well, his time started over in July, so all of this month he has been working monday-friday. I am enjoying the extra money, but miss spending the time with him. We are hoping, and praying, that he will get a full-time job before December and his hours run out, since he is working basically 40 hours each pay period. Also, we can't get into a house until he and I have full-time jobs :( we keep praying and are trying to be better about FHE, family prayer and scriptures, overall, more faithful and doing our part so Heavenly Father knows that we really would like the blessings.
importance of family
we had our first family home evening last night. We talked a little about the bras plates and learning about our geneology. We then talked about our family and Craig's grandparents. We colored our family apple tree. I think it wwent pretty well for our first. Trevor and i are really wanting to have a little more structured time in our day with Craig andso I'm very glad we are able to start doing more things.
It really is a blessing in my life to have such great family members in my life. I know that when reading the scriptures, the prophets all focus on the good and bad things the people learned from their fathers. I hope that in our family, Trevor and I can be a good influence and create righteous patterns in our lives.
I like to have the ensign or a good magazine in the bathroom. it allows me to read articles, pieces at a time and really digest the parts I read. We got the february leadership training with the ensign. I have loved reading through it! It has such great counsel from our leaders! There are so many good things that they taught me. they really discussed things about the family proclamation and give me inspiration of how to better our lives. I really believe that we need to follow our leaders directions and our lives will be happier and better.
It really is a blessing in my life to have such great family members in my life. I know that when reading the scriptures, the prophets all focus on the good and bad things the people learned from their fathers. I hope that in our family, Trevor and I can be a good influence and create righteous patterns in our lives.
I like to have the ensign or a good magazine in the bathroom. it allows me to read articles, pieces at a time and really digest the parts I read. We got the february leadership training with the ensign. I have loved reading through it! It has such great counsel from our leaders! There are so many good things that they taught me. they really discussed things about the family proclamation and give me inspiration of how to better our lives. I really believe that we need to follow our leaders directions and our lives will be happier and better.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
giving away music
Today in church, we had some wonderful talks. One of the speakers spoke on charity. I was reminded of a wonderful experience in our life and I wanted to record it. Cyndi Hedden, at one point, received or bought a piano. When they moved to san diego, they asked Curtis to hold it for them. Curtis soon found he did not have room for it and asked if we could take it. We didn't really have room, but we got rid of my mom's futon and took the piano. we had it for a while and found that we really didn't want it. It was in pretty bad shape.
We decided to put it up for free on craig's list. Craig's list was an online place to sell and buy things. it was all things close by, like i would search for things in lv or henderson and not have to pay shipping.
Well, we figured it would not get much notice. However, over the next couple of days, we got many responses and stories from people of why they would like this free piano! It was such a shock. We thought of this piano as such a piece of junk! Yet so many people either wanted something to be able to play a little or to be able to teach their kids to play. It really touched our hearts. One lady, buys pianos and fixes them up and gives them away in a much better condition. Another family had a child with autism and another younger son and the son with autism loved music. The family was really wanting to give him lessons, but thought there was no way they could afford both a piano and lessons. We ended up giving it to this family.
This was such a marvelous experience. We were so grateful that we were able to give away to people who cared so much about music and we knew that even in the poor condition the piano was in, it would still be very appreciated.
I am so very grateful for music in my life. We had a piano when i was still a young teenager and I have loved growing up and having the music in our home. I love being able to sing with Trevor and Craig. Heavenly Father has blessed us with talent and i am so very grateful.
We decided to put it up for free on craig's list. Craig's list was an online place to sell and buy things. it was all things close by, like i would search for things in lv or henderson and not have to pay shipping.
Well, we figured it would not get much notice. However, over the next couple of days, we got many responses and stories from people of why they would like this free piano! It was such a shock. We thought of this piano as such a piece of junk! Yet so many people either wanted something to be able to play a little or to be able to teach their kids to play. It really touched our hearts. One lady, buys pianos and fixes them up and gives them away in a much better condition. Another family had a child with autism and another younger son and the son with autism loved music. The family was really wanting to give him lessons, but thought there was no way they could afford both a piano and lessons. We ended up giving it to this family.
This was such a marvelous experience. We were so grateful that we were able to give away to people who cared so much about music and we knew that even in the poor condition the piano was in, it would still be very appreciated.
I am so very grateful for music in my life. We had a piano when i was still a young teenager and I have loved growing up and having the music in our home. I love being able to sing with Trevor and Craig. Heavenly Father has blessed us with talent and i am so very grateful.
Friday, July 25, 2008
job info and more
I still have not heard anything about the job interview I had on tuesday, but I think that's just fine. The school was kind of far and I figure Heavenly Father will help things work out the best in the end. I just need to trust Him better and do my part.
we had a new home teacher come over on Sunday and he challenged us to improve ourselves spiritually and stop the nagging that we feel for ourselves. So, i decided we need to have family scripture time better. i feel a little silly doing it with Craig, just 19 months, but I know it is very important. I know that he can begin to learn things and feel the spirit (probably connected to heaven more than I am). so i am trying to at least talk about spiritual things once a day with him. I hoping it will become a pattern for the rest of our family life.
the other night, Trevor and I were both tired, but could not fall asleep. We got to talk a little bit. It was wonderful. It makes me tired the next morning, but i love to stay up later just talking and understanding one another better. I am so grateful for my great husband and the wonderful friend he is to me. I often think to myself that I really don't have many friends. I do it to myself. (i feel like we'll be moving from our ward soon and just busy with college, and age difference in our ward. we just never have reached out too far) But i know that I do have some people who care, i always have family and i will always have my best friend, my husband Trevor.
This morning I got to drive Trevor to work and also picked up Anita (her new car was getting some more upgrades). I was listening to the radio and these two hosts (Mark and Mercedes) were talking about miscarriages, difficulties with getting pregnant and joy over the little things. I loved it! I don't know what the future will hold, but as soon as we decided to try, we got pregnant immediately. I have been very grateful for the blessing and for the tremendous blessing Craig is in our lives. He has been the best spirit in our lives, even while both of us were still going to school. I know Heavenly Father blessed us for starting our family amidst difficulty and not having much. we are still with my parents, but they have blessed us so much with sharing and helping watch Craig so much. I can't believe that I got a bachelor's degree after having had a baby and with no real means on income (on my part). I have so many blessings!
Trevor has worked so hard, in class, at home and at work. He is so very smart and is great. My mom watched Craig while I had classes. and Craig is probably one of the easiest babies I will ever have. Trevor and I were both on scholarships and the pell grant and received a refund for going to school!! Heavenly father truly will POUR out the blessings when we follow His commandments.
we had a new home teacher come over on Sunday and he challenged us to improve ourselves spiritually and stop the nagging that we feel for ourselves. So, i decided we need to have family scripture time better. i feel a little silly doing it with Craig, just 19 months, but I know it is very important. I know that he can begin to learn things and feel the spirit (probably connected to heaven more than I am). so i am trying to at least talk about spiritual things once a day with him. I hoping it will become a pattern for the rest of our family life.
the other night, Trevor and I were both tired, but could not fall asleep. We got to talk a little bit. It was wonderful. It makes me tired the next morning, but i love to stay up later just talking and understanding one another better. I am so grateful for my great husband and the wonderful friend he is to me. I often think to myself that I really don't have many friends. I do it to myself. (i feel like we'll be moving from our ward soon and just busy with college, and age difference in our ward. we just never have reached out too far) But i know that I do have some people who care, i always have family and i will always have my best friend, my husband Trevor.
This morning I got to drive Trevor to work and also picked up Anita (her new car was getting some more upgrades). I was listening to the radio and these two hosts (Mark and Mercedes) were talking about miscarriages, difficulties with getting pregnant and joy over the little things. I loved it! I don't know what the future will hold, but as soon as we decided to try, we got pregnant immediately. I have been very grateful for the blessing and for the tremendous blessing Craig is in our lives. He has been the best spirit in our lives, even while both of us were still going to school. I know Heavenly Father blessed us for starting our family amidst difficulty and not having much. we are still with my parents, but they have blessed us so much with sharing and helping watch Craig so much. I can't believe that I got a bachelor's degree after having had a baby and with no real means on income (on my part). I have so many blessings!
Trevor has worked so hard, in class, at home and at work. He is so very smart and is great. My mom watched Craig while I had classes. and Craig is probably one of the easiest babies I will ever have. Trevor and I were both on scholarships and the pell grant and received a refund for going to school!! Heavenly father truly will POUR out the blessings when we follow His commandments.
family who cares
my car is still having issues with overheating. My cousin, Travis is getting married today! and his reception is tonight in panaca NV. Well, i figures we just wouldn't go if our car didn't get beeter. My wonderful mom suggested we could borrow Luke's ford truck, or Annie is down from Rexburg for the holiday (according to BYU pioneer day is a holiday off school! that rocks!) and she could drive. So now, we get to carpool with Annie and Megan. It might be a little tight, but I think it will be fun to catch up a little with them. I love my entire family so much. I have good relatives.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
I am in the process of waiting to be hired with the Clark County School District. It is a long process. I already put in my application, and now, I wait for principals to view my file and give me a call and ask for an interview. Well, this all began in May. I got a couple of calls in maybe early June and went on one interview. however, these schools are about 15 miles away, and possible bad bad traffic. So I told snyder elemetary school that it was too much with gas prices rising $4.20! A couple of others schools called and I told one other that it was too far, I didn't want to interview. Well, weeks went by, and no more calls!! AHH! i thought i had turned down too many schools.
Then, Monday, I get a call and answer without looking at who the call is from. It is a school so I schedule an interview and went to it yesterday! YAy! there is still difficulty with hiring, but the interview went well and I feel like if i get the job, it was meant to be. Trevor and I could probably carpool starting in December, so that would save gas too.
The problem is that the county does not want to hire teachers, then school starts and the teacher has to be fired because the numbers are too low. So that's nice, but it means I might not get hired until after school starts and they find out that there are too many students and not enough teachers.
But I had a good interview and i was grateful to find out that principals just were not making many calls because of the restrictions! I am very grateful for that.
Also, my mom watched Craig for me while I left and he had lots of fun with Grandma and Aunt Megan.
Then, Monday, I get a call and answer without looking at who the call is from. It is a school so I schedule an interview and went to it yesterday! YAy! there is still difficulty with hiring, but the interview went well and I feel like if i get the job, it was meant to be. Trevor and I could probably carpool starting in December, so that would save gas too.
The problem is that the county does not want to hire teachers, then school starts and the teacher has to be fired because the numbers are too low. So that's nice, but it means I might not get hired until after school starts and they find out that there are too many students and not enough teachers.
But I had a good interview and i was grateful to find out that principals just were not making many calls because of the restrictions! I am very grateful for that.
Also, my mom watched Craig for me while I left and he had lots of fun with Grandma and Aunt Megan.
Monday, July 21, 2008
sacrament meeting
My wonderful husband! I am the music chairperson in the ward for right now, which means I also am the chorister for sacrament meeting. Trevor helps with Craig every single Sunday! I watch my wonderufl husband teach our son to sit reverantly before the sacrament and he takes Craig out whenever he is having a difficult time being quiet. It is such a blessing in my life to have a caring husband and a wonderful father to Craig and our future children. I sure do love that man!
Saturday, July 19, 2008
I decided I need to start noticing the wonderful things in my life and making a note of them. So here it is!
In the October 2007 General Conference, President Eyring suggested we record incidents of the hand of the Lord in our lives. I think this will be pretty easy for me to keep up and a simple way to better notice my blessings and to show my gratitude.

For today, Craig has slept two nights in a row without waking up and last night, he woke up, but i only had to change a diaper and he was back asleep. IN HIS OWN BED THE WHOLE NIGHT!! Yay! I'm so grateful that Trevor thought of him sleeping with a larger blanket in his crib.
Also, yesterday, Anita watched Craig for me, and when my car was being silly again, she drove me around in her AWESOME nissan altima coupe.
I have wonderful people in my life.
In the October 2007 General Conference, President Eyring suggested we record incidents of the hand of the Lord in our lives. I think this will be pretty easy for me to keep up and a simple way to better notice my blessings and to show my gratitude.
For today, Craig has slept two nights in a row without waking up and last night, he woke up, but i only had to change a diaper and he was back asleep. IN HIS OWN BED THE WHOLE NIGHT!! Yay! I'm so grateful that Trevor thought of him sleeping with a larger blanket in his crib.
Also, yesterday, Anita watched Craig for me, and when my car was being silly again, she drove me around in her AWESOME nissan altima coupe.
I have wonderful people in my life.
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