Thursday, August 28, 2008

school and enjoying

well, i have had two days in the kindergarten and it is the third day of school. i must say that that first day for me, was pretty miserable! we had 25-5 year olds! i had 3-5 adults in the room the entire time and hallelujah! we were able to have some adults help with one on one for some kids and i was still able to help with the entire class. yesterday, was even better. i was surprised and went to the library for an hour of the time (with mrs. greenberg's class- special ed inclusion). so that helped. the librarian taught kinder for 5 years, so she knows them very well. we are just working on going over the rules tons and i think they will get adjusted to school and procedures.

when we came back on Saturday from st. george, it was WONDERFUL to see Craig again! i really think it was good to have an overnight without him. I did miss him while we were gone and even thought about taking him with us. but this is the one time a year that we have an overnighter without him, plus i knew he would not sit still for the play. so we took advantage of it and it was so good to come home and to be able to enjoy him even more and not lose my patience over little things! i hope i can keep this up and be a better mom, even with working and things.

well, school is back in session for Trevor. uggh! this is going to be difficult for him, i think. he is ready to be done and yet he isn't. i pray that I'll be able to help him hang in there. he has 2 classes and a study class for his big professional engineer test. also, with work, the man retired and so we are waiting for the job to be advertised and he can apply! we are still praying that things will work out.

no news about the hiring freeze for me, but i am almost kinda glad that i don't have my own class yet and am just substituting and getting used to being on my own a little. we'll see how this kinder goes, but i might switch to preferring first grade.

i am enjoying spending the mornings still with Craig. i definitely have a blessing being able to work a little, but still enjoy time with Craig.

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