Friday, August 29, 2008


well, school is going good! each day, my class gets better! i have 26 students and many who understand and speak limited English. i'm very glad i'm at the school i'm at and not a different region. i know i would adjust, but in some areas, the students know even less english!!! and it's more of the majority. so i am lucky. we'll see where i get hired, but for now, thinking positively! :D

i have a couple of students who are quite the handfuls! but they are still fun and i really do enjoy the entire teaching experience. last night, i couldn't go to sleep because i kept thinking about different ways i could help certain students. also, today, i was trying to read my scriptures and i was half reading, half thinking about a way to better help a student. it's really funny. but i want them to succeed so very much!! even (or especially) the ones that may be more difficult or have a harder time. i really am lucky.

i think i could do kindergarten (and by do, i think i would teach kindergarten again, in the future). yes, it may be more work at the beginning of the year, but i think for me and my preferences, first grade would be more difficult at the end of the year. either way, we'll see, but for now, once again, the positive! :)

Heavenly Father certainly blessed me with a spirit of teaching! i have a couple of students with an IEP and i am trying to better understand their needs. but also, there are students that speak very little if no english and they have needs. then there are all the students who might need more attention and can't sit still as long. i just know these students are going to grow and learn so much in just one year! i really wish i could stay with them the whole year.

i just realized that i might seem a little crazy to some people. today, at the end of the day, some people asked how it went and i would reply, "better", or "i see progress". it wasn't really a good day, or a great day. definitely not horrible (because there is improvement). But right now, i am happy. i am just fine with being in my class (well, you know, substituting, but still, i'm their teacher for now). i wouldn't switch it for another class that might have less 'difficult' kids or less kids with an iep, or that understood english. i have seen progress in these past 4 days and i know that next week will improve and that just makes me happy. i know these students and i could not just abandon them! i am happy where i am and i'm very grateful for that!

i think it helps that i wish i could continue to teach for just a half-day. but i also know how very much we desire and need a house. we cannot have another baby in our living condition right now and so it needs to change within the next year. so we will see what happens. someday, the county will be able to hire teachers and i will get hired and Trevor will get hired. hopefully sooner than i! but i have trust and faith in Heavenly father. He is watching us and guiding and helping us! i am very grateful.

one last thing, i have to mention Craig! it has been nice to have a little break from Craig. i wish it was smaller, but i love him! he is so fun! i try to wake us both up in time for him to get to play out in the back yard before it gets too hot and sunburn time. it is so fun! he is such a good little boy. he is talking more and more each day and i love the things he learns and to see the changes daily!

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