Monday, April 20, 2009

it's been a while

there are so many things in my life to be thankful for, but yesterday in church, i was very especially grateful for Trevor! Craig sat in Daddy's lap before the sacrament and seemed to be pretty good for him (which is a nice change because he has been a little awnry at church recently). It reminded me of how grateful i am to have such a wonderful priesthood leader in our family who can teach our child to sit and be reverent even when I am up on the stand for the music.

last Sunday, Trevor was not able to go and I was running late. So, Craig came up on the stand with me.... talk about a mistake. the first song, he walked a little. the next, he almost played the piano. then for the closing song, i thought i would hold him. halfway through, he's wanting down, to run around and decides to bite me!!!! it was a very rough day. i really missed Trevor and if i would've thought more, i would have sent him to be with my parents, but i kept thinking that ___ would make it better. if i hold him, he will be better....etc. it didn't. instead, i felt like a fool in front of everyone.

so yesterday, i was so relieved to have Trevor with us. he really is such a blessing in my life.