Sunday, August 3, 2008

sharing clothes

We have been so blessed in many ways, but i wanted to make note of one in particular. before Craig was born, many people in our life shared with us their blessings! We received many clothes from kids that had outgrown them. Some were given and some were borrowed. But we have been so blessed because of this.

We have had to buy a couple of clothes, but compared to the thousands that we would have had to buy. here is Craig in one of his 'new' outfits.

Yesterday, I took out more clothes for Craig, 2T. we had too many summery clothes that i didn't have room for them all!! I picked out some of the cuter, less stained, less able to stain and put them away! the many others, i put back away in boxes and kept them in mind for later in the year, or next summer.

then, since we have some clothes, I have been able to share with my brother who has a baby! I am so very grateful for all those who thought of us.

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