Sunday, August 31, 2008


i really have liked our new gospel doctrine teacher. last week we had a wonderful lesson and today's lesson was great. we were discussing Helaman 1-5 and there are some really amazing scriptures. but in chapter 1, i think, we were discussing the chief judge and his family. well, the father died and three of his sons wanted to take over for him. in the end, two are killed over the judgement seat and a war is started because of this. and the teacher drew to our attention that by ruining and causing contention in a family, Satan was able to destroy an entire people!! and it is the same for us today!! if we are not focusing on our families and trying to uplift those, then our country has no luck in surviving. this point really hit me!

a while back, a man teacher mentioned to me his feelings of who we should be voting for in the coming election (he was democrat and hoping for Hilary Clinton). he stressed that especially since i was going into education, i should vote for someone who will act smartly regarding education and students. well, at the time, i didn't say much, but thinking about it later, i realized that i would protect the family and by supporting the family and things being taught in the family, it didn't matter if things were a little crazy in schools, because the important things could be taught in a safe, and protected home and marriage!! so i will protect the marriage and family and in turn, that will better the future for students, education and my life!

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