Wednesday, July 23, 2008


I am in the process of waiting to be hired with the Clark County School District. It is a long process. I already put in my application, and now, I wait for principals to view my file and give me a call and ask for an interview. Well, this all began in May. I got a couple of calls in maybe early June and went on one interview. however, these schools are about 15 miles away, and possible bad bad traffic. So I told snyder elemetary school that it was too much with gas prices rising $4.20! A couple of others schools called and I told one other that it was too far, I didn't want to interview. Well, weeks went by, and no more calls!! AHH! i thought i had turned down too many schools.

Then, Monday, I get a call and answer without looking at who the call is from. It is a school so I schedule an interview and went to it yesterday! YAy! there is still difficulty with hiring, but the interview went well and I feel like if i get the job, it was meant to be. Trevor and I could probably carpool starting in December, so that would save gas too.

The problem is that the county does not want to hire teachers, then school starts and the teacher has to be fired because the numbers are too low. So that's nice, but it means I might not get hired until after school starts and they find out that there are too many students and not enough teachers.

But I had a good interview and i was grateful to find out that principals just were not making many calls because of the restrictions! I am very grateful for that.

Also, my mom watched Craig for me while I left and he had lots of fun with Grandma and Aunt Megan.

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