Friday, September 12, 2008


i just wanted to take a moment to think about how grateful i am for anita ross. she is always letting us come over to the house that she is staying at and go swimming, or play her Wii and rockband, or just hanging out. she has watched craig for us on almost every Friday that she has off of work since January! plus, she is so amazing. she is so very special to all of her nieces and nephews and they love to have fun with her. the other night we were over there and she stopped what she was doing to make sure she got her time in for scripture study and was reading 10 pages a night to read the book of mormon in a year as inspired by president gordon b hinckley! she is so wonderful! not more, but she had a guy over there doing it with her!!! she is totally improving this mans life, not only by him hanging out with her, but she is making sure that they read and discuss scriptures daily!

Anita is really a special person and i know Heavenly Father has special things in mind for her.

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