Sunday, September 21, 2008


this week, i had track one, the morning class start school and i was their substitute because their teacher had a baby on monday. and let me tell you that the class is wonderful! it helped me really realize that it is just a really difficult class in the afternoon.

I am very glad that i am able to be working. Jade McClellan is watching craig two days a week for us and my mom 2 days and anita watched him on friday! i have so many wonderful people in my life.

with the am class starting school, i remembered that i really do like teaching 5 year olds! they are very sweet. one little boy (and it was so chaotic the first day i don't have a clue who it was) brought me a rose the first day of school!! it's like he knew i had been having it tough and was thanking me for sticking with it! then, a couple days later, a girl in my pm class brought me a fake little rose, but was so sweet about it!

it was still a difficult time at times during my week, but i am enjoying parts of the day.

craig has so much fun! on tuesday, when i picked him up, he actually threw a fit that he had to leave! he had been riding a tricycle around the whole day, practically and loved it! i am so glad he is getting to be around other kids and will hopefully learn to share and get along with others better because of it.

i had my first open house i was in charge of! and i think it went ok. there were a couple of things i shouldn't have mentioned about my substituting position and how i'm not sure what's happening. but i had both am and pm together and it seemed to go well. i was worried 60 parents would be there and instead, it was only about 20-30.

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